With a huge range of features included out-of-the-box and over 13 000+ additional extensions available to download
Order Status Color
ModulePoints Import/Export Hub
Shipping based payments OpenCart 2.3/3.0
mmos Speed up your site lite: Free
FilterImageID - admin filter by product image an..
Maintenance Mode Warning - Informer and quick ch..
Elasticsearch for OpenCart
Session Debloater
QuickSave for Products, Categories, Manufacturer..
Quick Admin Search
Permission Counters - displays number of enabled..
Cart2Cart: xt:Commerce to OpenCart Migration Mod..
Cart2Cart: Zen Cart to OpenCart Migration Module
Cart2Cart: WP e-Commerce to OpenCart Migration M..
Cart2Cart: X-Cart to OpenCart Migration Module
Cart2Cart: Wix to OpenCart Migration Module
Cart2Cart: VirtueMart to OpenCart Migration Module