With a huge range of features included out-of-the-box and over 13 000+ additional extensions available to download
Category Filter (Opencart 3)
Paid Customer Groups (for Opencart 3)
Product Option Images (for Opencart 3)
Load More (Opencart 3)
Delivery Date (for Opencart 3)
Direct Order Links (Opencart 3)
OCMOD Downloader (OC2, OC3)
Multivendor store (Opencart 3) BETA version
Ka Extensions library (for Opencart 4)
CSV Order Export (for Opencart 2)
Product Option Tooltips (for Opencart 2)
Task Scheduler (for Opencart 2)
Product Group Editing (for Opencart 2)
Product Payment Methods (for Opencart 2)
CSV Customer Export (for Opencart 2)
Tags Autocompletion (for Opencart 2)
File Manager Tweaks
Maintenance Mode Informer