With a huge range of features included out-of-the-box and over 13 000+ additional extensions available to download
Alert Customers return (not only register)
ORDER LIST filter email and telephone
info sell product
hebrew / עברית לגרסה 3040
Auto complete Remover NEW 2.X 3.X
Payme PRO - פיימי פרו
Contact Form to product page
Shortcut admin OC2.X OC3.X
Pelecard / פלאקראד
missing order Alert
iCOUNT - אייקונט
GETPAY / payme - פאימיי / גט פאיי
contact form to ANY information page
clock+add time 3.X (all version)
category filer - show product
ARCHIVE product - seo and manger admin
Buy Now 2.X 3.X for all
full hebrew + RTL (multi languages)