Everyone can sell bags and shoes because they are so popular. You will need to stand out of the crowd to develop your own business without being forgotten in the market. BossThemes' new design, called Responsive OpenCart Carina, can do that - help you to differentiate your online bags and shoes shop from others.
In terms of features, OpenCart Carina will not let users down, especially the new responsive feature - Responsive Web Design (RWD). RWD make it possible for visitors to browse website in any device. The layout automatically is adjusted to fit any size, including mobile phone by effect of Fluid grid CSS3 media queries. With drop down mega menu, Carina can handle many categories, many products groups and customers can easily find categories they look for. Tag cloud allows customers have a quick view for every product. Products are sorted out by Alphabet with new product module. New module Carousel allows to show banners with elastislide slider.
There are many more interesting new features of OpenCart in Carina to be explored and this template is offered at a very good price. Awesome!
DEMO: http://demo.bossthemes.com/carina
Responsive Web Design
New Module Boss - MegaMenu: Mega menu with many custom options
-Configure menu in backend
-Configure width and columns of dropdown menu
-Configure columns for each option
-Configure header menu and support multi-language
-Configure many types of flexible menu by combining options together.
+ Link to website's address
+ Multiple categories
+ Featured Products
+ Static content
+ Manufacturers
+ Informations
New Module Boss - Carousel
-Edit module Carousel of opencart
-Show banners with elastislide slider: Ability to show in footer all layouts
New Module Boss - Home Featured Categories
-Show product filters by category on homepage (with or without elastislide slider)
-Ability to choose category on backend
New Module Boss - Latest: Show latest products.
New Module Boss - Latest Review:
-Show latest review product
-Column position (left or right)
New Module Boss - Slideshow:
-Show 1 FlexSlider on homepage
-Ability to configure image, captions and urn backend
-Multi-language for caption
New Module Boss - Static Block:
-Show static content in many different positions and layouts
-Configurable in backend
-Multi-language for content
Free Module Tag Cloud: Show tag cloud of products
Set up full site and theme on the existing source of opencart
Fast configure modules to closer to demo site
Using vQmod to overwrite controllers
Other features and functions:
-Label save off for special products
-Configurable side column position (left or right)
-Single or multicolumn layout (configurable)
-Grid / list products view
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Our working hour is from 8AM to 6PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
BossThemes is a Premium OpenCart Themes & OpenCart Templates Provider.
- OpenCart Installation
- OpenCart Web Development
- OpenCart Custom Design
- OpenCart Theme Conversion
- OpenCart Server Optimization
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