This new opencart framework has a nice organization of blocks, and a perfect balance in combining colors. Together these factors create a great look and feel for the theme. Moreover, there is a big development in features of this template to satisfy more and more users. Besides the common features of an opencart template, such as Mega menu, Carousel, FlexSlider slideshow, etc., Bossthemes Venous contains many new amazing features.
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the first one to say, which makes website can be seen in all sizes of device without any errors of images in screen. RWD automatically adjusts screen to fit all screen and make sure customers can visit the store easily and comfortably in any device they have got in hands. With RWD and other supportive functions of filtered product, one-step check-out, there is no obstacle for visitors to buy your products anytime.
DEMO: http://demo.bossthemes.com/venous
Responsive Web Design
New Module Boss - Template Color
- Set default color for Venous theme
- Button to disable color changing on front-end
New Module Boss - Products by Alphabet: Classify Products by Alphabet Letters
New Module Boss - MegaMenu: Mega menu with many custom options
- Configure menu in backend
- Configure width and columns of dropdown menu
- Configure columns for each option
- Configure header menu and support multi-language
- Configure many types of flexible menu by combining options together.
+ Link to website's address
+ Multiple categories
+ Featured Products
+ Static content
+ Manufacturers
+ Information
New Module Boss - Carousel
- Edit module Carousel of opencart
- Show banners with elastislide slider
- Ability to show in footer all layouts
New Module Boss - Home Featured Categories
- Show product filters by category on homepage (with or without elastislide slider)
- Ability to choose category on backend
New Module Boss - Home Filter Products
- Show product filters on Homepage
- Product Groups:
+ Popular Products
+ Special Products
+ Best Seller Products
+ Latest Products
+ Choose a category
New Module Boss - Home Column Filter Product
- Display filtered products on the left column or right column
- Product Groups
+ Popular products
+ Special products
+ Best seller products
+ Latest products
+ Choose a category.
New Module Boss - Slideshow
- Show 1 FlexSlider on homepage
- Ability to configure image, captions and url backend
- Multi-language for caption
New Module Boss - Static Block
- Show static content in many different positions and layouts
- Configurable in backend
- Multi-language for content
New Module Boss - Zoom
- Use cloud zoom and colorbox simultaneously.
- Zoom on hover and Enlarge on click.
New Module Boss - Quick Selection: Ability to choose category and icon suitable for it to show on front end.
Free Module Tag Cloud: Show tag cloud of products
Free Module Manufacturer: Dropdown box manufacturers
Set up full site and theme on the existing source of opencart:
- Fast configure modules to closer to demo site
- Using vQmod to overwrite controllers
BossThemes is a Premium OpenCart Templates & OpenCart themes Provider.
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