This extension adds two additional reports for Orders and for Products with extended filtering options and export to xls.
Paid version features simple install via vQmod, Multi-Store support and detailed statistics of products pointing to cells of "No. Products" column in "Custom Products Report"
Demo at
user/pass: demo/demo
* Multi choice for "Order Status"
* Additional criterions for Orders: Shipping/Billing Country, Shipping/Billing Region, Customer Group, Paid by, Shipping/Payment method, payments without shipping fees, Orders total min/max, Reward earned min/max
* Additional report by Products
* Detailed
List of Products Sold in Custom Products report
* Improved sorting - by Years, Months (does not sum years), Day of Week (shows name of day), Date
* Multi-Store support
* Explort to XLS via HTML
* SQL debug line
* Multi-Store support, thanx to Sze Ka Wai
* vQmod xml fixed to support language packs, thanx to Marko
* filter by Shipping/Payment methods added
* show right sql code in Products report
* use store_id in sql
* improved style thanx to Dreamdare Production
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