This vQmod adds a new field [ ID Number] to the standard registration form, checkout registration form, customer's account edition page, and on the back-end new customer insert page, edit existing customer page.
Besides, it will add a new filter column in the customer list page, so you can filter customers by their ID number.
*****NEW FEATURES COMING**** Customers who already bought it can upgrade it for free
*Add the ID No to virtually all pages like any of the default fields
*Add a filter column for the ID in all pages like any of the default fields
- ID filter column will now appear in the order list page
-ID field will now appear in the order info page
-ID field will now appear when editing an order
-ID field will also appear in the invoice
-New ID column in the latest 10 orders in the homepage
- The order email the customer gets will also include the ID info
- Customers will also be able to see the ID No when viewing an order from their order history page
**NOTE> I'll upload the new file in a couple days, and I'll send out a mass email letting you know. :)
#####DEMO#### (For links please, right click, open in new tab or window ;) )
Username and Password: demo
Please don't forget to rate the extension [click on the stars]. Thanks :)
For support, please email me to : dev [at] technopolaris [dot] com , and a ticket will be automatically created for you.
For quick support:
Skype Username: codekmarv
Gtalk Username: codekmarv
You can also go to to create or check a support ticket.
Other Extensions:
Improved Add product to cart, wishlist and comparison notification
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