Next & Previous Product Buttons
-- More navigation means more browsing! More browsing means more buying --
✔ VQMOD Required
✔ Tested in OpenCart 1.5.6.*, 1.5.5.*, 1.5.4.*, 1.5.3.*, 1.5.2.*
✯ Support per categories (Lists products in that category only).
✯ Support per manufacturers (List products in that manufacturer only).
This mod will take one minute to install and could make your store generate a lot more income.
The more a shopper browses the more likely they are to buy something. So instead of them having to go back to the category they can browse the products right from the product screen. Cool eh.
This extension also implements Google guidelines regarding paginations / "prev" & "next" rel links so that your SEO will perform better: See [url]http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1663744[/url] for more information.
There is now 3 xml files in the download.
Please only use one, each one does something slightly different:
prev_next_products.xml displays Next and Previous buttons ordered by product ID
prev_next_products_bycat.xml displays Next and Previous buttons linked to the next or previous item in that category. Its category specific. Also works the same in manufacturers!
prev_next_products_bycat_prod_name.xml displays Next and Previous buttons linked to the next or previous item in that category. Its category specific.
Click here for Previous/Next Product Links demo
The demo uses the prev_next_products_bycat.xml file
♥ Enjoy! ♥
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