The Authorize.Net Customer Information Manager (CIM) payment gateway tokenize and store your customers' sensitive payment information on Authorize.Net secure servers, simplify your PCI DSS compliance as well as the payments process for returning customers and recurring transactions.
uses both AIM,CIM payment methods. customer can use Bank payment, CC payment.
Official Authorize.Net SDK library used
frontend template load error fixed.
all authorizenet request logs for the oprder will be listed in admin->order->payment details page.
prior_auth_capture, void, refound actions can be taken in admin->order->payment details page.
library updated to latest authorizeNet Sdk.
bugfix: successful orders were using global option for order status it changed to use module setting for successful orders(order status that selected in the module options)
bugfix: guest checkout 'select payment account' error fix
PHP Notice messages are not generated anymore.
Tax and shipping information added to Order transaction.
* Major Code Changes
* Switch to AIM for Guest Checkout.
* Option to enable disable Bank payment.
* Flex Option To define custom status for On-hold orders and send alert email.
*void,refound,capture payments in the opencart admin page without going to Authorize.net website.
* Accept Credit Card Or Bank Account Payment.
* Option to enable disable Bank payment.
* Switch to AIM for Guest Checkout.
* Page for customer to Manage, Add, Delete Payment Profiles
* Saves customer Payment Account each time they checkout with new payment account during the checkout process.
* Supports "Capture","Authorization", "Authorization/Capture" Transaction methods.
* Supports "none","testMode","liveMode" Validation Modes.
* OptionFor Customer To Setup his/her Default Payment Card
* Auto Detect Credit Card Type
* Works with Fraud Dedection Suite
* Option to send Alert Email For FDS Holded Orders(O for Selected Return Codes).
* Flex Option To define custom status for On-hold orders and send alert email.
* Option to Setup Different Order Status for FDS Holded Orders.
* On/Off Option To activate Billing adress Entry with payment Card
* On/Off Option to Adding Shipping Adress To Cim Order Transection
* On/Off Option to adding Line Items To CIM Order Transection
* Logs All Cim Transection Responses For Orders
* Simple and well structured code. Easy to maintain and extend.
* Builded on Authorize.Net official SDK
* Separated logging.
* 2 level logging errors, responses
* and more
You liked the module, please don't forget to rate.
Have question send me an email: gel.yine.gel(at)hotmail.com
please use following payment accounts.
NOTE: demo website is working with Sandbox account and Authorizenet Sandbox have 100$ limit for CIM bank account checkout. please checkout under 100$ to be able to succeed with bank account at the checkout.
Test Credit Card
Card Number = "4111111111111111";
with any Expiration Date and any CCV code.
Test Bank Account
Routing Number "121042882";
Account Number = "123456789123";
Name On Account = "Jane Doe";
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