Free Shipping Alert Qualifier on Cart page and Checkout page
- Works on any currency
- Calculates the difference between the client's order and the free shipping limit
- Version 2 calculates the difference between the client's order and the free shipping limit (with taxes included)
- Everybody loves Free Shipping, your customers will order more, just to qualify for it
- The displayed message can be easily edited in the XML file, no need to go through other files
- Text messages are available in English and Romana
- This mod will add an alert box to the Cart and Checkout(Shipping Method section).
- If the client has ordered an amount that is less than the limit set in admin Extensions > Shipping > Free Shipping, the client will see an alert box that tells exactly how much he/she has to order to get Free Shipping.
- This works on the default theme, but I can adapt this to your custom theme.
- For any other custom modules, custom extensions or any other custom OpenCart work, feel free to contact me by e-mail.
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