This extension will turn all of your zero priced products into an open form where customers can inquire about the product. Once installed, all products that display a price of zero will display a phrase you insert into the adminstration section of the mod.
Additionally, the "Add to Cart" button will also change to a term of your choosing. And the button will link to the contact page where the product information will be automagically inserted into the contact form. Never waste time by sending emails back and forth trying to figure out which product the customer was inquiring about again with this mod!
Relies minimally on any changes to the tpl files so that custom themes will run into less errors than in the past.
Works with all currencies and languages.
You can find a working demo
You can demo the admin area
User: demo
Pass: demo
If you need to handle multiple products in your quote requests follow this
link. You can also require options and quantities in the multi-product rfq module (option and quantity functionality only available for oc versions 1.5.6
There is no guarantee that this mod will work with third party themes if the author of your theme has adjusted core elements of the default tpl files.
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