Improved add product to "x" notification(vQmod)
*Extension Description :
- Replaces default notification in all default template pages with a improved pop up notification.
- Notification can be easily customized with css to fit any template.
- Notification can be sticky or close itself after some seconds, other settings available.
- This new custom notification will appear when adding products to the cart, wishlist or product comparison.
- Everything is done by a vqmod file, no manual edits.
- Requires latest vqmod version installed.
* I have to see it working! :
Try it yourself in the demo!
Add product to "x" Improved Notification
* Opencart Versions Supported :
Opencart Versions: 1.5.2.x / 1.5.3.x / 1.5.4.x / 1.5.5.x
Note: Contact me if you have a previous version, or if you find any issue.
* What you get with your purchase :
- Free installation of the vQmod system if needed.
- Free Installation of this extension, and free customization to work with your custom template.
- Personalized Support for any other customization you might need.
* have a question? doubt? suggestion? :
Please contact me!
- Email: dev [at] technopolaris [dot] com
- Skype and G-talk username: codekmarv
- Check the status of your tickets or open a new one: SUPPORT
Please include your order id if you've already purchased the extension.
También tenemos soporte en Español! Si necesitas la descriccion en espanol, porfavor escribenos al mismo email.
***Do you need new fields in the registration form? Do you need new Filters in the back-end customer list page or order list page? Check my other extension
New Field+Filters+Order Pages and Email
Best Regards,
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