*** Added support for new functionalities in new release of android app ***
Free extension to allow you consulting statistic data about your sales (orders, returns requests, customers), viewing
orders, returns and customers list on your Android Smartphone (Google Play App
OpenCart Mobile Sales) and receive
notifications when a customer makes a new order or a new request for returns. Now, showing
customer list too.
Also, if you have installed the
Visitor Counter and Statistics extension, it displays the counters for the visitors and the visited pages.
Feature list:
- Show the total number of orders, sales and customers of the current day, week, month or year
- If you have installed Visitor Counter and Statistics extension, show the counter of visitors and visited pages
- Show complete/filtered list of orders
- Show complete/filtered list of returns requests
- Show complete/filtered and sorted list of registered customers
- Show full details of orders, returns and customers (NEW)
- Approve new customers (NEW)
- Enable/disable customer (NEW)
- Change group of customer (NEW)
- Change status of orders and returns sending optionally notification email to customer (NEW)
- Notifies when customer makes a new order or request of return
- Customizing sync frequency and ringtone (with or without vibration) for the notifies who choose to receive (NEW)
- Simultaneous support to OpenCart Authentication and eventual HTTP Basic Authentication for best security(NEW)
- Remembers for you if there are still orders or returns pending
...and does it wherever you are with a simple touch ;-)
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