This extension takes care of the products where delivery date is to be restricted like some items cannot be delivered on some dates like on Christmas etc. Even delivery date sunday cannot be chosen.
Therefore this extension lets you restrict delivery dates of products to certain dates.
It is vqmod so no core changes are made.
For version 2.0 there is ocmod extension and much advanced. For 1.5 version every product constrained to one set of rules, but since version 2 , every product can be assigned to different rule , so product A can be delivered after 2 days and product B after 3 days.
Remember this extension takes care of individual product , if you want to restrict the whole cart then there is separate extension available by me .
Please note that it works with opencart default theme , custom theme are generally compatible with this extension ,but it is not the responsibility of developer to make it compatible with your custom theme.
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