New Release!
Supported OpenCart Versions:
1.5.5,, 1.5.6
This module may support other versions in the future, and may be ported to provide support for 1.4.x as well.
What does it do?
Changes the behavior of the "Free Shipping" option in the Coupons system. The default OpenCart functionality allows the buyer to choose a shipping method and discounts the cost of said method from the total. This is generally undesirable behavior because it is unlikely that you as a shop owner will want a customer to expect free delivery via a shipping method that costs 3x more than the item purchased.
This mod fixes this problem by enabling Free Shipping (shipping method) when the customer uses a coupon with the "Free Shipping" option selected. The customer will then have the option to choose free shipping or pay for an expedited method.
Also, coupons with a zero dollar value are not displayed in the totals table in the cart or checkout confirmation.
Go to the
demo store.
Administrator Username: demo
Adminstrator Password: demo
VQMod installed. (Latest version recommended)
None known/reported at this time.
Did your USPS shipping module start acting badly on July 28th? Would you like a simple, inexpensive way to fix the problem and update OpenCart to support more USPS options? If so, check out my "USPS July 28, 2013 API Update Fix" VQMod.
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