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This is a product to category module allowing you to add as many of your products to a category at once as you need to, without having the mundane task of editing each product one at a time
Simply select a category, and all products in it will be highlighted in green. Select/deselect all the products you want to have in that category and click "Save selection", and all those products will be saved to the category. Ideal for those with larger selections of products and categories
There's also an option to turn thumbnails on/off for products so you can find products quicker visually
Note that the latest version now works out of the box with MijoShop and should work with other integrations
This extension does not modify any core code nor does it require any third party extensions such as vQmod to function correctly
New features as of 2013-07-10 (1.5.X only)

Filtering by name

Filtering by manufacturer

Filtering by category

Sticky Selection (keeps selection when you switch category making it easier to put products in multiple categories)

New product layout allowing more per row for larger screens
See documentation tab on how to edit product box sizes
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