Auction in an eCommerce store facilitates admin and seller to get different bids for their products. The admin and the seller both can check the bids of the customer on their product.
Users will receive a notification mail after winning the bid with a coupon code and may use this discount coupon in buying the product. The seller will also notify by email if any buyer will win the auction.
This module is an add-on of the Webkul multi-vendor Module. To use this module you must have installed first WebKul opencart marketplace module
1. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
2. Opencart Marketplace Auction module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Sellers can add the automatic auction.
The Sellers can add reserved auctions.
Sellers can add the incremental auction.
Customers can place an automatic auction.
Also, customers can place a reserved auction.
Customers can place an incremental auction.
Email every outbid customer when a new bid is placed.
Admin can add the automatic auction.
Also, the admin can add reserved auctions.
Admin can add the incremental auction.
All types of action can be applied to a single product.
Admin has the option to show the current bid.
The admin has the option to show all the bidders and their prices.
Admin has the option to show bidder name, bid, and details under automatic bidding.
Also, the admin/customers can see the auction bid list and automatic auction bid list.
Admin can see the winner’s name for the auction.
Use Case:
Using the Opencart Multi-Vendor Auction module, the admin can convert the marketplace into an online auction place. This could be the most effective way of marketing the products and can gain maximum sales profit.
The online auction allows the sellers to sell the products at the current market prices. It also helps in selling out the lying stock rapidly.
In an auction, the buyers will help you to determine the true market value of your product. Because it allows the customer to bid on your products and buys the product at the bid price.
After the installation of the module, the admin can click on the edit button to configure the module. From here admin can enable/ disable the module, set the time zone, and enable the auction bid details to show on the frontend for the standard auction.
Here, the admin will click on the increment auction option to enable the incremental auction.
Here the admin will set the increment price range.
Here, the admin will add the automatic auction option.
The admin can enable the reserve marketplace auction options.
Now admin can enable the notification email for winning mail to admin, winning mail to sellers, winning mail to customers, outbid notification email to buyers, and auto bid outbid notification.
After configuration admin needs to set the Opencart marketplace auction module on the product page. For this, the admin can navigate to Design-> Layout and select the page to set the layout.
Seller End
After the complete configuration of the module, sellers can see the Marketplace auction option under their account section.
Here, the admin can enable/disable the auction status and choose the product.
Here admin can check the auction product list and add, delete, and edit the auction products.
From the add button, the admin can enable/disable the auction status, choose the product for auction, enter the auction start price, reserve price, etc.
Here, the admin can see the bid list after clicking on the ‘Auction bid list’ tab.
Here, the admin can see the automatic bid list.
That’s all for the Opencart Marketplace Auction module.
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