Opencart Booking and Reservation System

Opencart Booking and Reservation System
Opencart Booking & Reservation System - This module helps you to create booking and reservation on any product. It is useful when you want to convert your website into an event-driven site. This extension allows for creating booking and reservation products like - Doctor's appointment, movie booking system, etc.

This module allows two types of bookings for any product, which are:

  • One booking for many days: In this type of booking admin can provide customers to book for many days in a single booking.
  • Many bookings for One day: It is a simple type of booking as we generally do on movie ticket booking, railway, etc.

Use Case
Suppose a store owner wants to sell the tickets for any show on his/her Opencart website then, in that case, this module is the best solution for the store owner.

Now, the admin of the website will be able to create two types of booking products, which can get used as per the business needs. For example:

If the store owner wants to add an appointment system on the Opencart store, then "One booking for many days" is the best solution for the admin to create the booking.

And for adding the bookings for the shows, singing competition event, etc. The "Many bookings for one day" is the best solution for the store owner.

Features :

  • Booking dates will be created on ajax based, so there will be no page reloads.
  • Dynamic event displays according to the date in case of one booking for many days.
  • Brilliant UI and UX for event display and booking as well at the admin’s end.
  • Built on top of the Opencart MVC and ORM system
  • Real-time booking i.e. if a customer is booking any slot and somehow because of the internet or any other reason checkout is not confirmed and simultaneously another customer is booking that slot too, then if that customer successfully checkouts then the slot will not be available for the first customer.
  • Checkout check is there.
  • Admin can close a particular booking slot of a product.
  • Admin can close booking slots of a particular time span.
  • Customers can add multiple booking slots of a product in one view.
  • Customer Time-based booking has been introduced which is based on hourly and day wise cost calculation. (Opencart Advanced Booking & Reservation System)
  • Slot based quantity measure has been used. (Opencart Advanced Booking & Reservation System)
  • Admin can do the manual booking from the backend. (Opencart Advanced Booking & Reservation System)

Work Flow

After the installation of this module, the admin can configure the module as:

Once the module configuration is done the admin can add the booking product using the add new product option under the product option in the catalog tab.

While adding the new product under the booking and reservation tab, the admin will get two types of booking Many bookings for one day and One booking for many days.

Many bookings for one day

For adding many bookings for one day the admin can choose the type of booking for the product as "Many booking for one day" and fill in the required details as shown below.

After making the booking product from the admin panel in the front end the book now option will appear on the product page for booking the product and once you click on that button a calendar will pop up as shown.

If the booking slots for the particular day are not closed then it will appear on the front end as:

One booking for many days

For making the booking Product as "One booking for many days" the admin needs to fill in the required details as

In the front end while booking the product the pop-up window will appear as shown below:

In the back end, the admin will get these three options for the Management of Bookings and Reservations.

For the management of "Many bookings in one day," the admin needs to click on many bookings in one day as shown.

Manage Slots

This module also allows admin to manage the slots for "Many booking in one day" as:

And the admin can manage slots for "one booking for days" as shown below:

Some Moments Of Appreciation

Support Policy

What customers say about Opencart Booking and Reservation System

we got a lot of attention from the support team. Thank you very much. But the extension did not meet what we needed. and I will not use it. If possible I would like to switch to another extension. Support was very good.


  • Developed by OpenCart Partner
  • 3 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
5 Jul 2024

13 Sep 2013
178 Sales
Member since: 21 Oct 2012

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