Journal2 Theme Demo
This shipping method extension enables you to set FREE SHIPPING on certain products (selected items). When a customer purchases the products set for free shipping, free shipping will be displayed on checkout page. This free shipping method works with other shipping methods. If the customer has free-shipping products, and none-free-shipping products in cart, he will only have to pay shipping fee for none-free-shipping products.
Features include
1. Display Free Shipping label on Category, Search, Brands listing pages.
2. Display Free Shipping label on Featured, Bestseller, Special modules.
3. Display Free Shipping label on product page.
4. Custom Free Shipping text label on Admin.
5. Multiple Zones are supported (you can choose what countries have free shipping).
6. OCMOD, none of your existing files are overwritten.
OpenCart 3.x DEMO
OpenCart 2.x DEMO
OpenCart DEMO
- Fixed journal2 theme
- Reduce sql queries, much faster for large number of products!
- Adopted Events, for better logic and compatibility
- Rewrite vqmod to ocmod, (vqmod not required anymore)
Q: How does this free shipping method work with other shipping methods? (For example, a customer has Product A, B, C in cart)
1. A = free shipping, B = free shipping, C = free shipping. Only free shipping method is provided to the customer.
2. A = free shipping, B = free shipping, C = no free shipping. The customer sees 2+ shipping methods: 1). free shipping method for A + B, 2) other shipping methods only with C calculated.
Q: Does this mod work for my custom theme?
A: The mod can display Free Shipping label on category, search and brands listing page. We can customize the mod for your theme, for FREE.
Q: Does it support Multiple Geo Zones?
A: Yes, you can choose All Zones and specific zones.
Q: Does it support Multiple languages?
A: Yes, you can enter different FREE SHIPPING text labels for different languages.
Q: Can I set the whole cart free shipping when there is one product free shipping?
A: Yes, there is an option called `One Free All Free` to make the whole cart free shipping when one product has free shipping.
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