Demo : http://opencart156.iligsoft.hr/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=42 (click on any product)
Admin demo: http://opencart156.iligsoft.hr/admin/index.php?route=catalog/option
Username: demo
Password: demo
This mod makes possible to add descriptions (with HTML content on all installed language - multilanguage) to product options values for radio button, checkbox and images, and descriptions (with HTML content) to all options type names. On catalog product page it will display this descriptions like tooltip window (with a HTML content on all installed language - multilanguage) that will be displayed on mouse over options, or like popup window (colorbox) on mouse click, or both (separate icon for each display). In admin section you can define how you want to show description in catalog (like tooltip, like popup, or booth).
This is a vQmod release, so you must have vQmod installed on your site.
Main features:
* VQMOD no files overwritten, you can install and uninstall without shop files modification,
* Mutilanguage
* Not showing tip icon when description field is empty,
* Select how to show description in catalog (like tooltip, like popup, or booth)
* Works with all types of options
* Tooltip window may be modified in css style (if you use more then one template/multisite you can have different icon and CSS for every template)
* You can use HTML tags in description and insert formatted text, tables, images, movies and everything you want to display in tooltip window
* Works in every popular web browser
* Animate opacity and windows move on mouseover
Support by: www.iligsoft.hr
This is a commercial release for Opencart 1.5.x shopping cart only. If you want to develop this module/extension further please ask for my permission by email, at the address above.
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