This is a Footer Specail Area extension.
developed by Rahul Kumar Contact for custom use
You Need to install latest Vqmod for the use of this extension ,since it not make spoil your internal code so we use here xml vqmod .
- Upload to your website just like any other extension
- Put the files according to the thier managed folder like
example: for footerspecail.xml file
you will put this xml file into
put all other files like that , to thier folder
- Then you need first create a footer extension html using HTML content module in Admin -> Extension->modules
- Then select the module for specific page in Admin -> System->Design->Layouts
- If any query contact at feel free Skype or Gtalk
Skype: ravi1986kumar(india)
- Enjoy!
- You can show your Special Footer text or image with right ,center , left aligned in any pages or all paged with languages..
Release notes:
version 2.1.0
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