google sitemap google base cron job Multy-store

google sitemap google base cron job Multy-store
Contact info: Mike Decker,

Google Base and Sitemap Cron Jobs V2.0

Now you can have all your products and store sitemap saved to a xml file.

A must have for anyone wanting to save time debugging products and faster for Google crawling all your data feed.

Google won't have to wait until your data feed is created like it has to do using opencart default data feed modules, Google will come to your site and all it has to do is pick up your file and that's it.

NO MORE long waiting time to create your all your data.

All you have to do is give to Google your xml file location and you are ready to go.

Using Google means the faster the better, If your site takes a long time creating your products feed or sitemap it doesn't tell is creating data and for Google is just page loading time, Slow page loading time = BAD.

Large stores with up to 300.000 products, a few hundred categories, hundreds of manufactures and information can take more than 20 minutes to create all the data and if you check your webmaster tools you can see how your "Time spent downloading a page (in milliseconds)" chart increase and that's not a good thing.

But now you can avoid all those problems and have all your files ready, Google will Come and go easy as that.

Installation is very easy, You don't need to install anything, no vQmod required and nothing to modify, No admin setup required, everything is automatic.

Just Upload the included Files To your site folder using FTP, Setup your cron jobs using your cPanel and that's it, Files will be automatically saved to your site location.

Multi-store support for sitemap.
Single store only for Google base, Multi-store support will be included in next update .

Since this module works in the background and there is no need to install anything and no admin set up i don't have a demo for it but you can check a few URL's with all xml files created.

Google Sitemap xml file demo:

Google Base xml file demo:

PHP cron files have access protection and anyone or anything trying to reach the location is automatically declined so xml file's overwrite won't happen.

file security protection at root level to prevent bots or users access, demo:

usually using index.php?route=x you can access all your site controllers just like a shortcut and display everything just like index.php?route=product/product or index.php?route=product/category, but using security access protection bots and users won't be allowed to reach the controller location so only cron jobs will be allowed.

file path using index.php?route=x security access protection demo:

Check Out my must have module

category counters turbo high performance

category counters turbo high performance


  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included


Compatibility, 1.5.6,,,,

Last Update
29 Jun 2014

16 Nov 2013
4 Sales
Member since: 22 Jun 2013

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