Add Or Remove Captchas In Each OpenCart Form
TMD OpenCart Captchas Extension Allows you to Add Captchas in account
login page, Register Account page, Affiliates Login page, Affiliates Register page, Checkout Register page, and Admin Login page. If you do not want to show Captchas in these pages then select No from Admin.
This extension is used to add Captchas for more security. By default, its Disable so goes into admin change it. Extension works great with older
1.5.x to latest version 3.0.3.x. Installation is easy and start working after setting.

All In One Captchas Module for OpenCart
This extension enables adding Captchas in all forms present on your website. You can use either basic or Google ReCaptcha from setting. Captchas is essential these days to avoid spam submission. It does a lot of work for OpenCart store owner.
Admin can display Captchas in checkout's customer login or register form to admin login page also. It also works in contact us form. In setting, there is a global option to show and hide Captchas in all forms once. This is one of the main advantages of this module.
* Admin Login
* Enable and disable any Time: Global Setting
* Admin Forgot Password.
* Customer Account Login
* Affiliate Login Page
* Checkout Register / Login
* Newsletter Form
* Compatible with OpenCart Version 2.2.x and 3.x
Automatically Attach To All Forms Present In Website
Add Or Remove Captchas OpenCart Module is smart enough to recognize forms and automatically attached to selected form from admin. Setting page has a list of forms.
Selecting Forms from the list and saving it., That's all admin need to do.
In the front end selected forms will have enabled Captchas present. Customer should enter the right code of Captchas before submitting the form. It will make your website safe from spammers and bot. Who submit spam information into forms. Bots will not able to log into your website.
* Selected forms will have Captchas
* Prevent bots and spammers
* Help decreasing server load
Configure From Admin
Two captchas are present in the extension. Admin can use any of them or both. Admin can use Google ReCaptcha. Just enter Google ReCaptcha keys into the setting and select the forms, where you want to display it.
In the setting, Admin can select forms name. All forms name represent page where they present. For example, selecting Admin Login means, Captchas will display on Admin Login Page. While login admin will have to go through Google Recaptcha.
* Two Captchas present: Google Recaptcha, Basic Captchas
* Select Forms where you want to show Captchas
Works With All OpenCart Themes
Captchas in OpenCart extension uses VQMOD and OCMOD. It accessible for all OpenCart themes. Extension works perfectly with all themes available in the market. We have done testing with highly sold OpenCart themes as well as well known themes. Extensions are plug and play.
Module is tested with many famous themes. Journal, Shoppica, Fastor, Sellya are some name of themes. For custom themes, It requires some additional work.

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