A useful and most wanted plugin for store that you can easily manage the fixed shipping cost for every single product based on geozones or without geozones and quantity! Please do check and see our full demo site to make sure it is what's you were looking for! Unlike other shipping system, Product Based Shipping Pro allows you to create fixed custom shipping costs for each single product and set separate shipping costs for each geozone or without geozone and quantitiy, we also does includes the backup and restore function to make it easily for you to backup and restore your product shipping costs
☆ Compatibility up to Opencart V4.0.1.1
☆ Backup Restore funtion for extension settings
☆ Review our Live Demo for more details
✔ Easy Installation
✔ Easy to manage, easy understanding and NO coding skills required
✔ Different Shipping Cost for each Geo Zones, now you can easily set shipping cost base on geo zone per product
✔ Shipping Cost Calculation Rules, choose whether you want calculate for each product or each quantity
✔ Automatically Enabled and Disabled XML file according to the extension status
✔ Shipping Group Title During Checkout. Add your own shipping group title during checkout. MultiLanguage
✔ Shipping Description During Checkout. Add your own shipping description during checkout. MultiLanguage
✔ Show Shipping on Product Page. Choose who can see the shipping on the product page
✔ Product Page Shipping Group Text. Add your own shipping group title for product page. MultiLanguage
✔ Product Page Shipping Costs Text Color. Choose the color of your shipping cost
✔ Product Page Shipping Costs Bold Text Option. Apply a bold text to your shipping costs
✔ Product Page Free Shipping Costs Text. Free shipping text if the shipping costs is 0
✔ Product Page Free Shipping Costs Text Color. Choose the color of your free shipping cost
✔ Product Page Free Shipping Costs Bold Text Option. Apply a bold text to your shipping costs
✔ Maximum Shipping Cost per transaction for each Geo Zones
✔ Custom Shipping Notes Description for Front-End Product Page
✔ Shipping Discount Percentage by Total. Get Shipping Discount if total shipping cost is equal or greater than you set
✔ Free Shipping by Total. Get Free Shipping if total shipping cost is equal or greater than you set
✔ Free Shipping Customer Group. Any selected customer group will always have a free shipping
✔ Backup/Restore Shipping Costs. Create a backup of your shipping costs database table into CSV file to quickly make changes to your shipping costs when you import them back
✔ Backup/Restore Extension Settings. Create a backup and restore of your extension easily
✔ Easily add or set your shipping cost from back-end product edit
✔ Automatically show and calculate the total shipping cost according to your extension setting on shopping cart estimate shipping and checkout
✔ No core files will be overwritten (VQMod Powered)

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For any questions, suggestion or issue please mail me at fxw.freeze@gmail.com,
also do not forget to let me know what was your opencart version,
OrderID is required for extension support.

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