Thank you for using iSenseLabs extensions. Starting January 13, 2025, our OpenCart modules will continue to be available “as-is,” and we will no longer be providing maintenance or support.

FreeShippingTeaser is the best way to keep customers spending more and more until they get a free shipping. Research shows that customers are willing to spend as much as 1.5x the amount they are willing to spend normally, when prompted with a FreeShipping hook. The way the module works is it notifies the customer there is XXX left until free shipping. The module is the perfect way to get the most of your existing free shipping program or to consider adding one if you do not have already. All components are highly customizable, design is beautiful and made to match your store unique outlook.
✯ Enable/Disable tax on the FreeShipping total or subtotal price
✯ Custom Design Labels - Default Theme Notification Design or Custom Design
✯ Custom Design Colors - Customize colors so they fit your theme's unique design
✯ The module can be working without enabling the shipping method
✯ Regardless of the conditions for frees hipping (Total and Weight / Total or Weight), only these that are filled in will be taken into account
✯ FreeShipping method regards cart weight
✯ Different Labels Positions - Choose which pages to activate the module on
✯ Choose between default OpenCart Free Shipping module and a custom value, defined in the module administration.
✯ Choose between applying free shipping on Total or Subtotal
✯ Added color picker in the administration for the custom design of the teaser.
✯ Added FreeShippingTeaser shipping Method
✯ Multistore and Multilingual support
✯ Customize Labels Text - Set different text so before and after free shipping
✯ Top-notch module architecture, no core files overwritten
✯ Beautiful back-end administration
Make sure to check this module's release Log for latest features, version releases, improvements and bug fixes
FreeShippingTeaser for OpenCart comes with extensive documentation with images, installation instructions, features explanations and examples.
View FreeShippingTeaser Documentation
FreeShippingTeaser for OpenCart comes with a detailed Q&A section which answers the most common configuration and pre-sale questions we get for the module. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to write them up in the comment section below.
View FreeShippingTeaser FAQ
FreeShippingTeaser for OpenCart comes with a detailed Q&A section which answers the most common configuration and pre-sale questions we get for the module. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to write them up in the comment section below.
View FreeShippingTeaser FAQ
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MijoShop/AceShop/JooCart and FAQ here.

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