This extension changes the "Add to Cart" button for all products to say "Login to Buy" and when clicking on the button an ajax login form pops up. After loging in the customer stays on the page they are on and all the Add to Cart buttons are restored then allowing them to add products to the cart. This extension is for shops that do not want to allow purchases of products unless the customer is logged into their account.
* Changes the "Add to Cart" button to "Login to Buy" for all the products.
* Includes the Featured, Latest, Specials and Bestseller modules and the Product, Category, Manufacturer, Search, Specials and Compare pages.
* When clicking on the button a popup ajax login is shown.
* Includes a popup ajax forgotten password when clicking on Forgotten Password in the popup ajax login.
* After logging in the customer stays on the page they are on and all the Add to Cart buttons are restored.
* The text for the button is easily changeable and supports multi-language for all text.
* Detailed instructions included in download.
* Free installation and support.
Sorry but this will not work for and there is no support for any Joomla installations!
You must have vQmod version > or = 2.4.1 installed to use this!
Download vQmod here:
View Demo
Note: Any modifications you want us to do to make this work with your non standard heavily modified custom theme will have an extra fee for our time to do them.
Support will not be given in the Comments below and ANY support questions there will be ignored and deleted. Comments are for pre-sale questions and ratings only! Read extension store policy Here
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