X-Payment is an advanced custom payment module that lets you create a custom payment method from simple to advanced. If you want to define your own payment method and restrict/filter it using different rules, this module is the perfect solution.
With X-Payment, you can create payment methods without API interaction like Bank transfer, COD, etc. Also, it is possible to integrate a third-party payment gateway that requires simple API calls.
For an advanced and complex integration of third-party payment gateways, X-Payment's add-on comes in handy.
By the way, It comes with 10+ free add-ons.
Want to restrict COD when the Shipping method is XYZ? Want to restrict Bank Transfer to certain products? Want to integrate a payment gateway but not finding a good module? Yes, X-Payment is here to help you.
You can define the payment method with the following criteria:
1. Category-based Payment method.
2. Store-based Payment method
3. Geo Zone Based Payment method
4. Manufacturer Based Payment method
5. Customer Group Based Payment method
6. Zip/Postal Based Payment method
7. Weight Based Payment method
8. Total Based Payment method
9. Strong Debugging Option
10. Callback URL supported
11. Multilingual
12. Unlimited Payment Methods
13. Possible to send payment instructions in customer order email if you want
14. Option to show instruction in Oder detail
15. Very User-friendly admin interface
16. Redirect URL support with data
17. Custom Success Page URL
18. Free Integration support
19. It is possible to integrate xform in xpayment. So xform can be placed during checkout using xpayment and xform
20. Possible to implement a third-party payment gateway like Paycom. It is not possible to implement all payment gateways so please contact before purchasing
21. Additional Admin Order email based on the Payment method
22. and more ...
Possible to integrate most of the third-party payment gateway using the xpayment addon. If you need an add-on, please contact me for a quote.
Compatible with any checkout module
Click here and try to check out after adding a product into cart
Click Here
Important: For OC 1.5.x VQMOD is mandatory to work. For OC 2.x/3.x it uses OCMod.
X-Payment Add-on
PaysafeCard & PaysafeCash
Shoppy Pay -- Please contact for add-on
Stripe (Both new and legacy API)
Escrow Pay -- Please contact for add-on
Paypal Express Checkout
Paytabs Express Checkout
X-form Opencart form builder

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