By default opencart only allow user to set out of stock status for product <= 0, and display text "In Stock" when product quantity > 0. This mods will add new field for in stock status. So, by using that field, you can select stock status for product where product quantity > 0 (in stock). For example, you sell product fashion import from china with pre order system. So, you can select pre order for in stok status.
For OC 2.x : Avaliable both OCMOD and VQMOD version
For OC 3.x : Avaliable for OCMOD version only
Features :
Allow to set in stock status default
[New] Filter and search product
[New]Bulk and inline edit to quick edit
Easy installation and use
Doesn't overwrite any core files
Free installation service
Demo OC 2.x : Demo Here
Demo OC 3.x : Demo Here
username : demo
password : demo
Compatible with Journal3 theme
Journal 3 :
Demo Here
Should be work fine on journal3 theme without any change. If you get problem during installation on journal3 theme, we will help you with small fee, $10.
This extension is not compatible with aceshop, mijoshop and other integration.
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