Banner on a specified category.
This extension is used to display banner on a specific category. That have specified in admin settings.
1. This extension do not overwrite the core files of the opencart.
2. Show banner's image Slide relate product category page.
3. easy to manage banner's image for category.
4. 1 banner can relate multi category.
5. Integrated with current Slideshow extension
6. Easy to be integrated with custom template
Steps to install the extension.
Step one: Create database table 'banner_to_category' on your database by script as below
CREATE TABLE `{TABLE_PREFIX}banner_to_category` (
`banner_image_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`banner_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`banner_image_id`,`category_id`)
Step Two: First of all vQmod should be install.
Step Three: Download the extension
Step Four: Unzip the extension on root directory of opencart installation.
Step Five: Xml file will position on right place in opencart.
Step Six:
1 .go to admin page
2 .go to menu system > design > banner to create banner
3 .press insert to insert banner's page
add detail banner add image and save you will see category box for select to this image banner .
4 .check categories to banner image
5 .press save
6 .exit by press cancel
Step Seven:
1. go to admin page menu Extensions > modules
2 .press edit module Slideshow
3 .add module and select banner from ' Step Three ' and select layout 'category'
4 .add module and select banner from ' Step Three ' and select layout 'product'
5 .save.
Step Eight: Installation complete.Now enjoy.
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