*Why would I need this extension?
This vqmod integrates THREE new fields completely to the billing/payment address. The new fields will work exactly like the default Company ID or Tax ID field.
These are some custom fields my customer have added with this extension:
NIF, NIC, Mobile, Billing Phone, Floor Number, FC, etc.
and many more...
*What this extension does :
****The extension fully integrates the new fields to the following sections:
- Registration Form(route= account/register)
- Checkout Registration and new billing address forms (route= checkout/checkout)
- Customer Account>> Address Form
- Guest checkout Billing Address Form
- Edit Customer Form/ Insert new Customer Form
- Order info page, Order Edit Page, and Order Invoice Page.
- Customer Groups Page where you choose for which customer groups the new fields will appear, and if
they will be required or not.
* I have to see it working! :
Don't worry, These are the links to the demo
Demo Customer account: Email: demo@demo.com / Password: demo
BACK-END (Username and password: demo)
* Opencart Versions Supported :
Opencart Versions: 1.5.6/
Note: Please email me if you have a previous version, and I'll customize to work with your version.
* What you get with your purchase :
- Free installation of the vQmod system if needed.
- Free Installation of this extension, and free adaptation to MOST templates*.
* have a question? :
Please contact me!
- Email: dev [at] technopolaris [dot] com
- Skype and G-talk username: codekmarv
- Check the status of your tickets or open a new one: SUPPORT
Please include your order id if you've already purchased the extension.
También tenemos soporte en Español!
Best Regards,
Marvin Mendez
Other Extensions:
Improved Add product to cart, wishlist and comparison notification
*** We're working on some "plugins" for this extension that will add extra functionality like adding FILTERS on order page so that you can data collected with the new fields to filter the orders.
Login and write down your comment.
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