Thank you for using iSenseLabs extensions. Starting January 13, 2025, our OpenCart modules will continue to be available “as-is,” and we will no longer be providing maintenance or support.
WeatherWidget allows for an easy
placement of a Yahoo-powered weather forecast on your OpenCart website. You can set default a location or try to detect customer weather automatically. The module is super light-weight and installation is a snap.
✯ Choose forecast type (Current, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day or 4 day forecast)
✯ Change widget title
✯ Set default location
✯ Detect location automatically
✯ Allow users to search for other locations
✯ Wrap in widget
✯ Support for Celsius and Fahrenheit
✯ Very accurate. Yahoo Powered
✯ Place widget wherever you want
✯ Custom CSS field
✯ Clean and crisp integration no core files overwritten
Make sure to check this module's release Log for latest features, version releases, improvements and bug fixes
You can find more information about module Licensing, Compatibility with MijoShop/AceShop and
FAQ in the
Documentation Tab
Unparalleled Support
This is a free extension and comes with community support only. You can get community support by accessing our community OpenCart forum available here:
iSenseLabs Forum

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