This extension adds the ability to manage all transactions that happen for an order. You no longer have to go into the payment gateway to manage a transaction, you can do it all from your OpenCart admin backend. Easily capture previously authorized funds, void an unsettled transaction, or do a full or partial refund of a settled transaction.
It also allows for permissions to be set for user groups to hide transactions from the user or show them but not allow them to do an action on a transaction.
*NOTE* Only transactions that take place AFTER this extension is installed will show up in the Transactions tab when viewing an order.
Currently Supported Payment Methods:
- Authorize.Net (AIM) (capture/void/refund)
Authorize.Net (ARB) (capture/void/refund)
Braintree (capture/void/refund)
- PayPal Website Payment Pro (capture/void/refund)
- PayPal Website Payment Pro (UK) (capture/void/refund)
- PayPal Standard (capture/void/refund)
If you need support for a payment method not listed above, please request it in the comments.
Demo available @
User: demo
Pass: demo
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