This module have abilities to hide or show tabs on the menu in the admin page. Hide or show payment, content,header menu,modules.....
Especially is the power to manage the other groups
-You can set for each user’s group rights.
-Give a group power to control the other groups and also limit the item (that mean you can set this group only con troll an limit of module,payment….. and this group can only give the item they have to other groups they control ) of this group. With the item was given a group can hide or show it freely. In addition, with high security function
-This plugin can prevent a number of illegal accessing to group which they not have permission by inspect element and edit html code directly
Extremely easy to install and very powerful to manage user group and allow user group to manage the others.
VQMOD module no need to replace any file
Just download xml file and paste to [your-site-director]/vqmod/xml
Login and write down your comment.
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