Paymate Sentinel API
Paymate Sentinel API is a specific Paymate service that provides a secure method to process credit card payments. A merchant needs to apply for Paymate Sentinel service and it requires approval and set up by Paymate staff prior to implementation. Please email to accept the commercial arrangements BEFORE commencing integration of this module.
Obtain Sentinel API Signature
Once a merchant is approved to use Sentinel API they need to email Paymate Client Services. Paymate will provide a signature/token that is required to make API calls. However, the Sentinel API has to be enabled for you by Client Services before you can make API calls.
API Access Credentials
You will need to email to obtain API access. Please specify that you are interested Paymate Sentinel (payment and query) access. Paymate will then provide a digital signature that you may use for secure API access.
Certification process for Sentinel API usage
In order to be approved to use Sentinel API you must be certified by Paymate Client Services. Contact and we will discuss whether the functionality is appropriate to you and whther you meet the certification requirements.
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