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OrderReviews is a trusted way to provide an impeccable after sale service. Right after a customer has purchased a product from your store you can request a product review and add a hook - discount. This will help add to
store buzz factor, get you more reviews, increase your conversion and returning customers.
✯ Apply discount coupon on successful product rate
✯ Various discount options (no discount/fixed amount or percentage)
✯ Set discount validity
✯ OrderReviews is following the default OpenCart functionality to apply discounts in the shopping cart, which makes it also compatible with all third-party checkout modules in the marketplace.
✯ Review type - Per Purchase / Per Product
✯ Receive notification email when the cron is executed
✯ Added checks to the form so now the customers can review the products in a order only once.
✯ Send review mails to specific customer group.
✯ You can now add the first & last names of the customer in the mail subject.
✯ Change the way the orders are selected - by date added or by date modified.
✯ Change the date format for the date in the discount mail/message.
✯ Email preview in admin panel
✯ Send a review form or a link
✯ Display product images in per product email reviews.
✯ Names for the templates in the module
✯ Multistore
✯ Send email in any language - Full Multilingual email integration (Subject + Text)
✯ Personalized email - Your customer will understand when they are special. Feature their name in the email to make things more personal
✯ One button Enable/Disable the module
✯ Choose an order status on which you want to trigger email send
✯ Generate different emails on different order statuses
✯ Automated everything via cronjob
Make sure to check this module's release Log for latest features, version releases, improvements and bug fixes
OrderReviews for OpenCart comes with extensive documentation with images, installation instructions, features explanations and examples.
View OrderReviews Documentation
OrderReviews for OpenCart comes with a detailed Q&A section which answers the most common configuration and pre-sale questions we get for the module. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to write them up in the comment section below.
View OrderReviews FAQ
You can find more information about module
Licensing here. Compatibility with
MijoShop/AceShop/JooCart and FAQ here.

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