What does it do:
This mod adds automatic insertion to the download system via FTP. No more PHP memory limit errors!!
Instead of manually uploading downloads one-by-one, you can simply upload them all via FTP to your "download" folder and they will insert automatically when you load the admin->catalog->download page.
It uses the name of the file as the display name. It will append a random unique id to the actual file to prevent filename guessing.
It also lets you default the remaining number of downloads. It is set to 999 by default.
It already includes support for most popular extension types, but you can edit the xml script to add more by following the existing pattern.
Main features:
* Files are Dynamically loaded! No action required to get the downloads inserted. Simply upload files to the download folder and they are there!
* Can be set to support any file type (zip, rar, exe, 7z, mp3, pdf, avi, mpg, ace - by default)
* Upload any size files to FTP, no php memory limits to worry about.
* Files are refreshed whenever the downloads are called at the model level, this means anytime you load the Admin->Catalog->Download page or Admin->Catalog-Product insert/edit page.
* Adds the unique id to the end of file names after insertion to keep normal download security
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