Country Based Free Shipping

Country Based Free Shipping

[OC 2.0 Version] Free Shipping Pro

Country-Based Free Shipping for Opencart 1.5.x.x

The main disadvantage of the built-in 'free shipping' module in Opencart, is that it only qualifies one geo-zone for free shipping, and allows you to set only one minimum order total. With the Country Based Free Shipping module you can set up different minimum order totals for each country your webshop is targeting.
No limitations!

NEW from v1.1.0!
Specify which customer groups apply for free shipping. Now you can configure a different minimum order subtotal for the different customer groups on your webshop. For instance, you can configure a minimum order total for anonymous, unregistered customers and a different one for registered customer that have logged in to their account.

Free Shipping qualifier message

To increase your conversion rates this extension will inform your visitors on the exact minimum order total that is required to qualify for free shipping, and will display a success message when the minimum order total is achieved. Geolocation by geoPlugin is used to pinpoint the visitor's geographical location, so the minimum order total corresponds to the visitor's current location (assuming that will be the shipping address).

Shopping cart augmentation

On the shopping cart page, a free shipping qualifier message is displayed to encourage the visitor to spend more to qualify for free shipping. Another message is displayed in the header cart module. All three alert can be enabled/disabled in the admin backend.

NEW from v1.1.4!
It is now possible to customise the alert messages from the backend, for every language active in your shop. No more need to screw around in the .xml file, configure every aspect of the extension conveniently from the admin interface.

As a convenient extra, the IP Geolocation by geoPlugin service provides not only the country of your visitors, but also region/state, city, and in some cases also the city zip code. This extension uses that information to populate the Country, Region/State & Post Code fields under the 'Estimate Shipping & Taxes' tab.

More extensions from this developer

  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included


1.5.4,,, 1.5.6,,,,

Last Update
8 May 2018

10 Sep 2014
Jorim van Hove
Jorim van Hove
Member since: 19 Jun 2013

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