Trustpilot rating
Trustpilot Rating sends an email to Trustpilot when an order is completed in your OpenCart webshop.
Trustpilot will receive: Customer Name, Customer Mail and OrderID.
You must have a Trustpilot account and have it setup so they can contact your customers in regards of reviewing your opencart shop.
You also have to setup a template at Trustpilot, with logo etc. and enter how many days after a customer purchase, Trustpilot will contact your customer.
In Trustpilot when logged in on your company account, you can create a template by clicking "Modules" and then "Template for feedback email". We refer to Trustpilot if you need support for this.
Firstly make sure that VQmod is installed.
If not you can obtain a copy from
Now copy all files from the upload folder into your opencart root directory (no files will be overridden).
The module should now be ready and good to go!
Login and write down your comment.
Login my OpenCart Account