This modification will add a "previous" link and a "next" link on your product page. By using that link, that is allow your customers to navigate between two products, so they can save time in their navigation.
★ Easy installation
★ Free installation
★ Easy to use
★ No overwritten file
For OC 2.x, we provide extension in vqmod version.
For OC 3.x, we provide extension in ocmod version.
Demo OC 2.x:Demo Here Demo OC 3.x:Demo Here
username : demo
password : demo
Free installation service for your first third party theme
Please don't purchase this extension if you are using aceshop, mijoshop or any integration. If you are still purchase it, i don't want refund your money if this mods doesn't work. For OC and, there are a bug. You need fix it first.
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