Overview Of OpenCart Multiple Taxes Module
Multiple Taxes allows you to set up multiple tax zones so that the correct taxes are paid depending on which country the goods are going to be paid from or shipped to. Admin can select the state of the country to make the tax more effective to understand by the customer.
This module allows the admin to calculate the tax on shipping method costs and add to a final price. It also calculates the tax on subtotal price show to the customer on the checkout page..

Setting Multiple Flat Taxes In OpenCart
Admin can create multiple taxes for a single state as per government tax rules. This extension makes it easy for the admin to manage taxes for products.
There is a setting present in the OpenCart multiple taxes module that has a country name, state, status selection. Admin can select one country out of a list of countries and then select the state. After this admin has created the tax the title. The Rate is the percentage calculation tax over the subtotal.
Admin can set the waived either enable or disable. The module has the option to set the tax on the shipping price. This tax percentage will be the same as that applies to subtotal. If there are multiple taxes set by the government. Then admin can add multiple taxes with different percentages and set the tax on shipping price or not.
Showing Taxes To Customer On Checkout
When customers buy the products on the website. On the checkout page, the customer sees the order confirmation detail there is payment information. Here customers can see all the taxes listed that are created by the website. Tax is applied and calculate automatically on the basis of customer address.
According to multiple tax settings done by admin, there will be a tax on the shipping price. There could be one tax or multiple taxes on sub-total and shipping price. All these taxes add to the final price of checkout that the customer is going to pay.
Compatible With OpenCart Latest And Older Versions
Following government tax rules is damn necessary for any e-commerce website. That's why TMD specially made this module to work on OpenCart versions 1.5.x, 2.x, and 3.x versions. All the version of OpenCart is supported by module and works perfectly.
A module can be easily installed via the upload module section in admin, on your website. Because
this module uses OCMOD. Which does not overwrite OpenCart core files.
Your website remains untouched. All your work will work after the installation TMD module.
OpenCart multiple tax module is plug and play. Just install and you are ready to use it right away.
1. Easy Installation
2. Does not overwrite any master files.
3. Free Support
4. You can add tax according to country and state.
5. You can filter your search according to country, state, and status.
6. So this module provides you fast and seeks service.
Any question suggestion is most welcome. If you have any kind of question, suggestion, or looking for support. Please create a ticket.

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