Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This adds a new Order Total that gives the ability to charge customers an extra fee/discount for using specific payment types that you select.
Useful for helping to offset the transaction fee that many payment gateways charge.
It also allows setting different fees and minimum totals for each payment separately.
Main features:
* Select any payment type to require extra fee(s)
* Secondary fee field for things like flat fees on top of percentages
* Individual settings for each payment allowing different totals and fees
* Can be set as Discount instead of Fee by using negative numbers
* Min order total trigger per payment (charge fee only if price is less than $xxx)
* Admin configurable custom title per language
* Can be static fee or percentage based fee
* Dynamically adds settings for each enabled payment method, even 3rd party payments!
* Automatically applied to the cart total during checkout
* Supports filtering by Geo Zones
* Supports Tax Classes on the fees
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