Role of TMD CC Avenue Payment Module
TMD CC Avenue payment gateway is a connector between your OpenCart website and your CC Avenue merchant to process payment transfer. This fulfills a vital role in the e-commerce transaction process and authorizing the payment between merchant and customer.

CCAvenue India's favourite Payment Gateway
TMD CCAvenue payment gateway is a connector between your OpenCart website and your CCAvenue merchant to process payment transfer. This fulfills a vital role in the e-commerce transaction process and authorizing the payment between merchant and customer.
TMD CCAvenue is proudly made in India. It is the only module that provides an E-Commerce payment solution in India. This is the only module which supports OpenCart based E-Commerce Websites and it is used by 500+ store in India till date.
All Most All Payment Methods Supported By CCAvenue
If you are going to sell into India then, CCAvenue is the best option for your website. It supports maximum payment methods present in the Indian market. Here are some payment methods and their features. Your customers can make payments easily.
1. Maximum Payment Options
2. 6 Credit Cards, 58+ Net Banking, 98+ Debit Cards, 13 ATM Cards, 13 Prepaid Instruments, 14 Bank EMI
3. Multiple Currency Processing
4. iFrame Integration
5. Smart Dynamic Routing
6. Marketing Tools Available
Easy To Integrate Into Website
We know how important is time for an e-commerce website owner. That's why we create a 5 min simple guide which can be followed easily.
1. Copy all file in your root folder
2. Does not overwrite any master files
3. Easy Installation
4. Add feature iframe option so now you can complete payment without leaving the store
5. Install the extension in the OpenCart admin panel Extensions → Payment → CC Avenue → Install
6. Ensure the module is enabled.
After installation, you must enter correct information to make CCAvenue payment gateway working correctly. Read below for more information: "How to avoid a common problem and their solution" section
Benefits of using CCAvenue
Scale your business easily by getting more orders. Customers can make an order using their most reliable payment option. Hence it will help you more money into your account. CCAvenue is the most trusted payment gateway, provides you vast merchant payment analytic tools to collect information. It ultimately helps you to stand in competitive marketing.
* Plug and play
* No delay in the payment transaction
* Marketing Tools: Features that complement your marketing efforts.
* iFrame Integration: Redefined user experience
* Card Storage Vault: Your customers, your data
How to avoid a common problem and their solution
When the information you submitted into the CCAvenue payment gateway admin section than it is not going to work as expected. Here is some common question we got. These are listed here. Read all carefully. Please double check your setting before making a support request.
1. Please enter your Merchant-ID, not your username or e-mail address!
2. Enter a Working_Key for more secure transactions.
3. You must activate Working_Key settings from CCAvenue panel to use redirect url.5.
4. This will not affect any core file of OpenCart so you won't find any issue during updating OpenCart
5. Kindly note take the backup of your database before running this module
Got a pre-sale question or having questions about support. Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

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