Due to the SPAM received through Opencart please find me at the www.websitesbuilder.com.au form for any question as I will not be notified of comments here.
This is another Facebook opengraph and Twitter cards validator for opencart, use your product info to validate your products when sharing on this social networks.
It´s perfect for sites with share buttons or bots programmed!
See it working on www.bahiafightwear.com, www.editorial-alas.com, www.asaco.es (...)
Version 2.0.1 please open the XMl and edit the next lines to match your IDs/username/theme:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="<?php echo ('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'); ?>">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@australopythecu">
<meta name="twitter:site:id" content="<?php echo ('TWITTERID'); ?>">
<file name="catalog/view/theme/THEME/template/common/header.tpl">
*Require VQMod
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