Finally a definitive professional registration form! This mod introduces in registration the possibility to select the type of customer: private, company, etc.
Form is then dynamically modified showing necessary additional fields, according to the customer type. Demo: http://www.opencartzoom.com/demo/oc1551ita
Admin demo/demo
Following customer types are managed:
1) Private
2) National Company
3) Foreign Company
Customer type 1 is not requested for Company field or other extra fields. It is generally charged for VAT taxes according to Opencart standard config (in this case if it is e EU customer it is charged for VAT, otherwise not)
Customer type 2 is requested for Company name and VAT Number (opt.). It is generally charged for VAT taxes according to Opencart standard config (in this case if it is e EU customer it is charged for VAT, otherwise not)
Customer type 3 is requested for Company name and for EU VAT Number (opt.). If a VAT number is inserted, this customer is not charged for VAT tax, even if it is based in EU.
You can view, insert, modify VAT Number field in every possible relevant form or window, both in front office (registration, account management, customer orders and invoices management) and admin interface (customers management and order management).
Includes several VAT number validation methods: online (against EU VIES) or offline (with a dedicated algorythm for each EU country).
No changes to core files - VQMOD
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