Romanian Language Pack for oc 2.x / Limba Romana pt oc 2.x
Printr-un client FTP incarca folderele admin si catalog in radacina situl-ui tau opencart.Radacina sitului face referire la folderul in care este instalat opencart ,public_html/)
Admin si fata magazin
Pentru adaugarea limbii romane urmeaza urmatorii pasi:
In modulul de administrare a site-ului mergi la System-Localisaton-Languages
Click insert
Completeaza datele astfel:(ai exemplul in foto pasul 6)
Language Name: "Romana"
Code: "ro"
Locale: "ro_RO.UTF8"
Image: "ro.png"
Directory: "romana"
La status selectati enabled si apoi salvati.
You can extract the downloaded archive and upload the two folders admin and catalog folders to your opencart's root folder via a ftp client
Then in opencart admin and go to system > localisation > languages
Click Insert
Complete the form as follow:
Language Name: "Romana"
Code: "ro"
Locale: "ro_RO.UTF8"
Image: "ro.png"
Directory: "romana"
Select status enabled and hit save.
To make the romanian language , the default one , in your admin go to system > settings > click edit on your store > the go to the tab Locat , select the language "romana" and hit save.
Italian (italiano)
Questo pacchetto traduce in italiano il catalog ed il main (frontend e backend) di OpenCart.
1. Spostate le cartelle catalog/ e admin/ nella root del vostro sito, in questo modo aggiungerete le cartelle "romana" tra le lingue disponibili
2. Entrate nel backend del vostro negozio ed andate su System > Localisation > Languages
3. Aggiungete una nuova lingua
Gli foto mostrano come si fa
Completate cosi:
Language Name: "Romana"
Code: "ro"
Locale: "ro_RO.UTF8"
Image: "ro.png"
Directory: "romana"
Selezionare status enabled ed devi salvare - save.
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Angela [/url]]Android App[/url]
Escu Design
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