Demo http://demo.plusmotiv.com/vendorshipping/admin admin/admin
You must have installed vqmod to use this system
Multivendor system with separete shipping fee for each vendor.(coupon and vouchers not work with this system)
Create vendors from admin part with username and password
Check orders for each vendor in admin part
Vendors can log in with that password in www.yoursitename.com/vendor
They can enter ,edit ,delete products that are only for them
They can enter and edit shippping fee,tax for different areas and cart weight.
This module is with weight shipping vendor module which work same as default weight shipping module but it calculate shipping based on vendors in cart.
They can see orders with shipping address,payment address,shipping and payment method and their products and shipping cost.
Separete workspace for each vendor.
Separate folder for each vendor.
Separete weight based shipping module for each vendor.
Vendor can print invoice for selected order.
Check more here http://demo.plusmotiv.com/vendorshipping/admin admin/admin
After you create vendor make sure that he is enabled and go to http://demo.plusmotiv.com/vendorshipping/vendor and log in.
there are alreday username vednor1 and password 0000 and vendor2/0000 with orders and products
Login and write down your comment.
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