Print packing slip or invoice on preprinted paper • Powerslip
Print packing slip or invoice on any preprinted paper • Powerslip extension
This professional extension lets you print packing slip, invoice, shipping list or dispatch note on any printer using any custom template you already have setup for your company.
Once installed, all you have to do is to declare the field you want to print and give it its print positions in centimeter from left and from the top of the document. See the screenshot below:
☉ Multi template support
☉ RTL (arabic) support
The following fields are already available:
☉ Customer info:
zone code
☉ Store info:
store owner name
store name
store address
store telephone
☉ Order info variables:
order total
order sub total
shipping cost
☉ Product list info:
Loop through each product in the order and you can print:
Product packing slip name
Product name
Product price
Product quantity
☉ Other info:
Current date
Current time
☉ Free text field to print any arbitrary text.
Because the product name may be too long to fit into the reserved space on the document, this module adds a new field in the product page named Product name on the slip that you can use to enter the product name to be printed.
The module allows you to setup a font size for the text as well as the document dimension so that you can print multiple documents at once by selecting multiple orders.
Documentation and Changelog are available in the download.
Please read carefully the readme file provided in the package and follow the steps described in that file.
If you don't want to install the extension yourself, please contact the support and it will be installed for you for $20.
For any question, bug, feature request or installation query, contact:
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