Inventory report extension is useful for you to export or print your inventory report (Remaining products).
Easy to install with VQMOD or OCMOD. Just upload config and use with vqmod
Professional and flexible
You can export to:
- Excel .xlsx file
- Excel .xls file
- CSV .csv file
- Adobe PDF .pdf file
Customizable output
You are able to:
- Select which field to export
- Export or not your shop logo
- Customize page orientation to export
You can export and save to your disk or Save directly into a directory on server.
Filter function to limit your needed result
You are able to filter by:
- Name of product
- Product model
- Remaining quantity
- Filter by product status
- Product location. Able to select multi location
- Product price range
- Product date added range
- Filter by multi manufacturer with dropdown checkbox
- Filter by multi categories with multi dropdown checkbox
Professional dropdown multi checkbox select with search function
Print directly from web browser
If you have pdf reader addon installed with your web browser, you have choice to print from web via pdf format for better result.
Please take alook detail at:
Inventory Report demo
User/pass: demo/demo
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