This extension allows you to set prices for the product depending on selected region. You can set the price just for the regions you need(not for all), if the price for the some regions wouldn't be specified, general product price will taken.
There will dropdown list with Regions in the header of the main page. When visitor change region in this dropdown, prices automatically will change on the whole site (including products that had been already added to cart).
Mass prices changer:
LivePriceByRegion_MassChanger is addition to the main module (for version 1.5.x only), that gives ability change prices for all products for selected Region only. Prices will changed using your formula (you will be able to increase or decrease prices by percents or by exact amount in your currency).
This addition is set up as separate module and is accesable via Extensions->Modules->Zone price (Mass price changer). Pay attention: It will not work without main module.
Operation of this module was tested with Opencart versions 1.5.6.x,, but I believe it will work with earlier versions. If you find any error or bug, please inform us about and we will fix it shortly.
Localizations: English, Russian (If you need another, just write us)
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