SEO Link Multi Languages helps you to make specific SEO links for each language. It's an extremely important function for SEO optimization! It's also an essential productivity tool to quickly copy same languages immediately without writing something such as "update later, coming soon,...". This is specially effectIve with international websites which do update multi languages articles. Instead of doing many manipulations, why you do not save more time for yourself or your staff? Awesome!
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User experience
Imagine how your customers will think about your stores when they see custom SEO links which are adequate with their own languages. It's so important, just as you have been getting most professional behavior at work you can. The customers will only feel greatly respective for them, which brings good result for your revenue.
Quick copy with one click
SEO Link Multi Languages improve SEO links entry by creating Copy Keyword buttons for existing SEO URL sections. Your admin panel will appear one button to copy for all remaining languages.
Save much time
Supposing that your store has many products which make you tired in SEO links entry. Even your memory is so good, you are also tired when do repeated tasks many times.
Multi Stores
SEO Link Multi Languages has fully basic option in setting multi stores. No matter in managing and uninstall modules out of all stores.
Multi languages
This module contains language files which can be replace in category. It is so easy to clone English package in your own language and modify in private manner.

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